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@VeganBob the black community is an observable example of many of the things I commonly talk about. Native Americans are probably also a good example, but most people have never lived close to a Reservation, but most people have lived close to black people, so it links what I talk about to their own lived experiences.

I'm certainly not racist, but I'm also not afraid to talk about race.

@philosophy A few of the books I've been reading simply transliterate the Indian words directly because translating it to English would cause more confusion that it would solve.

English is kind of a shit language when you get down to it.

TFM Website:
MGTOW.TV and others can’t consistently handle huge audiences of 1,000+. If one site is lagging or buffering, try the other one and balance out the viewers between the different platforms.

@rodan @mutageno that's right. You're such an alpha Chad that no woman would even think about ruining your life, because it's as easy as not being socially retarded.

By the way, it's cold and flu season. I hope you plan on getting your vaccine booster. We're all in this together.

@mutageno spoiled children get angrier and more violent the longer they go without an ass whoopin'.

@mutageno well that explains things at least. I guess MGTOW is too dangerous.

LBRY (Odysee):

@VeganBob why didn't they just combine his DNA with hers in the first place when they were making the clone?

Cloning someone only to raise them in order to have a baby "the old fashioned way" is like buying fruit from the store, planting them, growing trees, waiting for harvest, and then eating the same fruit you bought in the first place.

So now that the dictionary has bent the knee and changed the definitions of man and women to be simply someone who identifies as a man or woman, what is the word we use to describe people with penises or vaginas?

Are we just going to pretend men and women don't exist until a man hits a woman back?

@basedbagel All of that may be true, but I can still be ass mad about it.

@basedbagel I think he'll either get let go with a slap on the wrist based on his parents being in with the WEF and all the donations he made to Democrats, or he'll be Epsteined in his cell.

I'm leaning towards being Epsteined.

@Solo_Knight I don't think so, but it's subjective. One man's justified killing in self-defense is another man's cold blooded murder.

@mutageno Yes, but thought experiments don't have to be full length novels.

The mass market isn't really open to challenging philosophies even if packed into a digestible story even if it spells everything out.

It's fine. I just stopped watching TV, playing videogames, and reading novels years ago, and it's been great. You don't need to tiptoe around issues cloaked in fictional narratives.

I get why they're popular and beloved though, it just doesn't appeal to me.

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