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@Dicer @WashedOutGundamPilot Dicer is correct. The bell curves you see where women and men are clustered around the mean while men having greater extremes are ALWAYS taken using children between 11 and 13. Why? Because girls start puberty at 11, while boys don't start puberty until 13. They do these IQ studies during this window on purpose to perpetuate egalitarian lies.

See Richard Lynn's studies that prove this.

@spectre @VeganMGTOW Henry left the show as soon as he was told he would be playing Superman again, simple as. There was no drama behind the scenes, but I'm sure the women on the show didn't like him because he wouldn't give them enough attention or something. I've seen women in workplaces flirt with guys out of their league, and then spread rumors about them when they were rejected.

Henry will be fine. The show will die without him, and they need to blame someone else for it.

@kaiservenom They're not wrong that most people will destroy themselves if given freedom. Look at how people ruin their lives after winning the lottery.

The problem is that they limit EVERYONE'S freedom, including those who wouldn't destroy themselves. It's a form of equality where the strong are kept down for the sake of the weak.

Ironically, it's the weak who demand communism once they have the numbers to impose it, and it's stability-folks who enable the weak to multiply in the first place.

@sardonicsmile Retard pushes utopian idealistic bullshit.

"I have unwittingly ruined my country"

@rimugu They want to sterilize YOUR kids, but not THEIR sex offenders.

The zoo’s seven resident chimps had escaped their enclosure on Wednesday, and were wandering around peacefully.

The zoo was closed for the season. Yet the zoo took the baffling decision to shoot the chimps, killing three and wounding a fourth.

@Platinum @TheWeez You don't marry your property silly. What would even be the point?

@Platinum @TheWeez I shat in a urinal once when the stall was occupied.

I also peed in the drain in the middle of the floor when the urinals were full.

My motives are beyond your understanding.

@Mugnika type 1 diabetes isn't caused by being fat, but by a genetic problem.

Keto will help manage his blood sugar. Low card diets were originally invented for diabetics.

Ignore the vegans.

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