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@Chimi_Chuang_Tzu I keep things vague and tweak until I get within the ballpark and see what the AI comes up with.

@LordMordred I've been playing Fallen Earth Classic, which is a post-apocalyptic MMO with a look similar to Fallout 3/New Vegas as opposed to Fallout 4.

The faction CHOTA (Children of the Apocalypse) is a combination of Caesar's Legion and the Joker with a clown rather than a roman aesthetic. Their main base is in a post apocalyptic fairground.

It's totally free and doesn't even have a cash shop or microtransactions at all.

@Avdol10 They should give nukes to Iran. I'm tired of the foreplay. Let's get to fuckin' already.

The stars aligned and I got a good picture with a good monkey and the correct number of digits. It's a SpRoPu miracle!

@zebuceta @ButtWorldsMan society needs families and children are raised best by their mothers and fathers, but Feminism and women's rights destroyed families and are destroying society.

I'm ready to solve this problem when you are Steven.

This is my new favorite pose. I don't know what it's called. I just combined "laying down, butt, closeup face" in the prompt.

@Avdol10 but does it have a waifu that looks like Celestina?

@ButtWorldsMan and the calculator that converts 1980s wages to today's wages is based on the CPI which essentially understates inflation by half.

The fact is that inflation is how the government pays for everything. Look at the percentage of the population on welfare in 1980 compared to today. The answer may shock you.

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