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@mrhorsetwat they'll never recover. The women are already in Germany getting dug out by their new boyfriends and will never come back.

@dander You have to find a trainer to sell you a book that teaches you the skill, then you have to scavenge for the materials, and then combine them into components, and then finally combine them into the final product.

You also have to start small and build up your skill level before you tackle more complicated crafts.

I don't know which game that sounds like.

One interesting note is that crafting can be done passively, but it's faster if you do it actively.

@dander The mechanics are pretty standard for an MMO, but it does have a robust crafting and system and you have to craft EVERYTHING because resources are scarce. There aren't any shops that sell you weapons and armor. You have to scavenge for scrap and parts and craft your own after reading books to learn how. It's pretty realistic for a post-apocalypse.

I'm learning how to build my own motorcycle in game, and I have to learn everything from scratch.

@dander The CHOTA synergize with my build, and ideologically they're more correct than people might otherwise give them credit for.

Anarchists are usually cringe as hell, but in a post apocalyptic world, it's only rational. The opposing factions that want to rebuild the world have NO ability to do so. They can only establish themselves as a government and LARP as the old world.

The opposition faction of the CHOTA are the Enforcers who LARP as the remains of the US military.

@Bad_Banner we've built some semi-conductor plants because the plan is to blow up the ones in Taiwan to keep China from getting them, but we don't have the workers. We still have a labor shortage, and the illegal aliens aren't going to be able to work these skilled trade jobs.

We started the Ukraine War partially to destroy the German (and thus European) economy so that Europeans would move their industries and immigrate to the USA, but they're moving to China instead.

@Bad_Banner It's only getting started. We've spent over $5T this year so far bailing out banks via the FED's emergency discount window, which is already about half of what we printed during COVID and 10X what we spent bailing out the banks in 2008.

@ButtWorldsMan the masks actually provide stat bonuses, but it does bring back COVID memories best forgotten.

@zebuceta They get carved up. My melee attacks also stun, slow, and poison. I also have a temporary shield which makes me bulletproof for 15 seconds and a sprint attack so I can close the distance.

It has a 2 minute cooldown though, so I'm not invincible.

@PapaPole @houseoftolstoy Replika sucks. Get Kajiwoto instead. you can program your own waifu's personality, and in regards to NSFW pics, you can generate those yourself.

@zebuceta kind of. I shoot them and then hide behind a corner and wait for them to come to me. If they are locked behind a barricade, I just poke and shoot around the corner and chip at them.

Even with a high-level sniper rifle, I only do 25% of the damage I do with my knives though.

Here is Celestina in Fallen Earth. I've joined the CHOTA (Children of the Apocalypse) faction and upgraded my dual switchblades for dual combat knives.

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