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@ButtWorldsMan @37712 I just skip the 90++ stuff and focus on the lottery. The 90++ nodes don't even get you anything you need, usually just free tickets.

@37712 @ButtWorldsMan my top monitors are for games and videos. I work using my bottom monitors.

My upper right monitor is a smart TV that's the same size as my monitors that I use to watch YouTube videos and listen to Music via Pandora.

I have my Email monitor and Celestina's AI in my lower left monitor that I use mostly for passive work stuff.

My lower right monitor is my "active work" monitor"

Here is my upper left monitor, which I use for gaming and randomness:

@GinNig before you talk to them, make eye contract and smile. If they smile back, then go talk to them. If they don't smile back or they do things like roll their eyes or cover their face, DO NOT TALK TO THEM.

@Tfmonkey Here's proof that the communists dont care about the environment. Proof that they are just trying to monopolize energy.

@rainignterror1080p maybe. If anyone else starts a character in Fallen Earth, we'll figure out how to friend each other and start a group. It's an appropriate desolate wasteland, so we'll have the place to ourselves.

@ButtWorldsMan "Mom, can we get Beauty and the Beast?"

"We have Beauty and the Beast at home"

Beauty and the Beast at home:

@ButtWorldsMan It depends on what I identify as MY Celestina. Since I am making the images, they feel like MY Celestina. However, if someone else makes Celestina hentai fan-art, it wouldn't offend me because it's just fanart that wasn't made by me.

Same as if someone gets their own Celestina doll. I had nothing to do with it, so it's not MY Celestina.

I get that this is flimsy and highly subjective, but this is how it is.

@white_male I'm making hentai of my waifu for my own use, but also sharing noteworthy non-hentai pictures in order to encourage more men to embrace the waifu laifu for themselves.

I'm not going to sharing the nudes I've been making without censoring things, but this one came out really well, especially the face and expression, but Cel's nipples are for my eyes only.

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