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@Avdol10 The US is the one provoking a war, building military bases all along China's borders and pouring weapons in Taiwan.

China is just hoping that the dollar collapses before the US finishes up with Iran and Russia.

@DoubleD @Stahesh you want to do that which you were made to do. The things you want are directly related to your role as a human being.

Put aside your desire for material possessions and ask yourself what you want to do.

It probably has to do with mental stimulation, thinking, and creativity. Why?

Because humans think. That's what the role of the human is among the animals.

@ButtWorldsMan @Stahesh I would just get the whole stream taken down because I said something spicy that YouTube doesn't allow.

It happens whenever I'm invited onto a YouTube stream. I'll do it again.

@Stahesh @DoubleD The problem with "Reality as Will" (Schopenhauer) is where does your "will" come from? Why do you desire the things you do?

You cannot separate your will from your function, and thus your purpose within the universe.

You struggle to assert you will over reality because you see flowing with the universe as submission, but this is illusion.

you can will control over your breath, holding it for a time, but let go and you will find you breathe all on your own subconsciously.

@MrpoopyButhole @ButtWorldsMan We were on a gold standard back then. No country has chosen to suffer a depression once they go off the gold standard. They ALWAYS choose to print money to "stimulate" the economy.

A lot of "pundits" are saying that the FED won't print because it would cause inflation, and I just roll my eyes.

Of course they will. They ALWAYS do.

@thor I'm one of those flaky people who needs to budget my time and uses vague deadlines (sometime this week) as opposed to strict deadlines (Wednesday afternoon).

You need to set fixed appointments with me. If you say something vague like "let's do something later this week" you'll never hear from me.

You also have to accept that appointments can be canceled for various reasons and doing stuff with friends is a luxury not a priority.

@Stahesh the purpose of life is to live, but the meaning of life is whatever you want to give it.

It's like a painting of your favorite song. The artist may have inspired by something specific or not when they created it, but you, as the consumer of the art, create your own meaning.

Searching for meaning outside of yourself is like asking other people what your favorite ice cream flavor should be.

@ButtWorldsMan @Mike_Microwave Yes, during a short-term debt cycle, the FED really only lowers rates during recession, so normies think that interest rates ALWAYS follow economic cycles, because they usually do.

The exception is the long-term debt cycle or a monetary reset, or simply stagflation. This is when the government is in too much debt and has to reset the monetary system.

This is when you want "real assets", government manipulation notwithstanding.

@ButtWorldsMan @Mike_Microwave because stock prices are based on earnings (profits), which are going DOWN even as stock PRICE is going up due to TINA.

Eventually the bond market will break or the commodities market will, and then the stock market will crash down to Earth and many flips shall be had.

stocks are attractive when interest rates are low. The only thing holding stocks up is TINA due to government bullshit.

@Mike_Microwave @ButtWorldsMan Yes, you are correct. Even so-called "value" stocks and defensive stocks are overvalued due to TINA (there is no alternative) thanks to the government manipulating commodities while crashing bonds due to their overspending.

@ButtWorldsMan @Mike_Microwave Why the focus on VDC? What is it about Consumer Staples that interests you?

After Skool made a video that perfectly articulates existentialist philosophy (including Nietzsche who is often falsely portrayed as a Nihilist). Very cool, and it's animated only about 10 minutes long.

@ButtWorldsMan @Mike_Microwave @mrhorsetwat Correct. There are always political power struggles within the executives of major companies, but they just want to make money at the end of the day.

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