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@Zeb @dander @VooDooMedic "my door was broken? The thief must have broken in and made off with whatever he was after before I woke up from the noise.

The neighbors said they didn't see anyone leave? Well, he must have left out the back or something, I don't know, I'm just a law-abiding citizen.

I didn't see the thief, as when I awoke and investigated the noise, the thief was gone.

Sorry for not being very helpful, but I hope you find him."

@charliebrownau @lonestarr @sickburnbro people need religion. It unites people beyond tribalism and it reinforces cultural values.

the trick is to have a religion that promotes and reinforces your values and not have an outside religion with opposite values imposed on you.

Sadly, if you try the atheist route, you're guaranteed to have an outside religion imposed on you because, again, people need religion.

So just bite the bullet and go with one that aligns with your values with good folks.

@sickburnbro 2024 Update: They did nothing to defend the border while it was flooded with illegal aliens, but sprang into action to ban TikTok and shut down anti-Israel protests (during a genocide) to suck Jew cock.

The Conservatives aren't cowards, they're traitors.

@jew @justnormalkorean My grandfather died in a Nazi concentration camp.

He fell off a guard tower.

@sickburnbro a spoiled child can't be reasoned out of being a brat, it has to be beaten out of them.

@DoubleD @Pain66 the only smart thing to come out of her mouth was a man's dick.

@CleverMoniker something about her face makes me distrust her intentions.

@shortstories yes, and some latinas CAN look good, but I like the "look" of say . . . half white half Japanese or half Chinese compared to Mexican.

A lot of "white Mexicans" just look white though, even if they're half Mexican.

I have very specific tastes I guess.

Working on using a new AI engine to generate a more realistic Celestina. The hardest part is getting the race right. She's supposed to be half-asian, but not hispanic.

How to fix this issue:
>behave from the outset as a deranged fundamentalist
>follow through with it whenever the woman is involved

It's literally that easy. Houseslave wanted a job, I told her no because she's responsible for keeping the house and kids. It's literally that easy.
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