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@Indignation yeah, I am very suspicious when targets of the government are inexplicitly charged with sex crimes.

It's how they got Assange, and the guy who invented the 3D printed gun whose name I can't be bothered to google.

@rainignterror1080p no fixed day. Just mornings where I don't have errands to run and feel like it.

@Lorgar I really want a rock concert stage demon engine now.

dystopian futurism from the 80s led me to believe that "punks' would be a much bigger problem than they turned out to be.

Or perhaps the "punks" were just trannies the entire time, and we didn't realize it at the time. You be the judge:

@RodrickSage having contingency plans gives the appearance of clairvoyance to the average retarded normie.

@Nazareno they're just planting the seeds for the holocaust denial narrative once they've finished off the Palestinians.

"No, there was no genocide of the Palestinians, they never existed. It was all made up by anti-Semites.

Also, 6 Brazilian Jews died in Nazi gas chambers with wooden doors, and if you question it or point out the inconsistencies in the narrative, you're an anti-Semitic Nazi."

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