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@Zeb @Rumbler @[email protected] I didn't invent it, merely improved and refined it.

It was originally called "the political triangle". I identified the core values and refined it from there.

@Jm yes, I just use Google Image search to look for a PNG. It's all just homebrew for personal use, so I don't care about copyrights.

@rainignterror1080p that only works for MetWeb. You'll have to try the coupon code from the review.

@Justicar 1. Demi from Subverse is better, but 2. Celestina is my waifu, so I don't need anyone else.

I sometimes mention old waifus like Mai, but other waifus just aren't on my radar.

@Scubbie there is a small trait that allows small creatures to move through heroes and not block line of sight for larger creatures.

Here is one more for a Dread Warrior (sub-boss) alternative converted from D&D: the Skull Knight.

Movement is only 4 due to low DEX and low speed.

Attack is 4 due to STR mod.

Defend is 1 due to DEX mod (min 1)

BP is 4 due to CON mod

MP is 2 due to INT/WIS/CHA mods

Spells are 3 dread random Dread Spells.

Combined "Life Exchange" and "Tainted Willow" into a single ability called "Vampiric Sword". Removed "Life Exchange" noob trap and just made the sword only equip-able by Undead.


Here is the website I use to make custom cards. The Goblin icon indicates that this is a minor enemy which isn't Undead, and can be used as a replacement for a Goblin in any standard dungeon.

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Here is how to convert from D&D to HeroQuest for quick snappy combat.

Movement is set to 10, which is standard for fodder enemies, and with a DEX of 15 is appropriate.

Attack is STR modifier, minimum 1. Since they get a -2 mod, their attack is 1, which is appropriate.

Defend is DEX mod or Armor (as appropriate. DEX mod is +2 so their defend dice pool is 2.

BP is CON mod, minimum 1, so 1.

MP is INT or WIS mod (whichever is higher) minimum 1.

Converted abilities below the stats.


@LysanderMooner @VooDooMedic We don't. All I see is press releases from known liars, but you believe what you want.

@Zeb @Indignation The drone strike looks like it's from Hezbollah, not the Houthis.

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