"TFM keeps saying the government is manipulating the market, but he is just coping because he lost money"
The TFM Show: November 9th, 2024
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v5nsqot-the-tfm-show-november-9th-2024.html
MGTOW.TV: https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/the-tfm-show-november-9th-2024\_V274SxuRhGOb4hG.html
Bitchute: https://old.bitchute.com/video/z3d1ycNu4k9Z/
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@TurdFlingingMonkey:1/2024-11-09-19-00-15:7
PeerTube: website is down
@justnormalkorean we also have robots that clean the floors now.
@Mr_Mister for the same reason the West turned to immigration instead of taking women's rights away even though it didn't save the welfare state anyway, which is that they didn't have a better choice.
Lesser evil works both ways.
@MantisMD according to demographic data you're likely to reincarnate as an Indian.
Good luck.
@rainignterror1080p it's up. I just haven't posted the links.
Sex Toy Review: Sohimi Avocado Mini Percussion Massager (Sponsored)
YouTube: Can no longer upload reviews due to TOS update
MGTOW.TV: https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/sohimi-avacado-mini-procussion-massager_qnulccxhQ861ARH.html
Bitchute: https://old.bitchute.com/video/L70tUgrqaFMN/
LBRY (Odysee): https://open.lbry.com/@TurdFlingingMonkey:1/Sohimi-Avacado-Mini-Procussion-Massager:c
PeerTube: website is down
Do you want free sex toys? I have a sponsor who is simply looking for reviews on Walmart.com. Here are the products they're offering:
If interested, contact [email protected]
@Elliptica cows eat grass which humans cannot digest and is functionally free.
Actually it's a dumb bitch w*men problem
@Moto_Chagatai women are always the victim in their own minds. The amount of mental gymnastics they due to blame men for the consequences of their own actions is impressive.
@YoMomz I hope they work, but from what I understand they simply eliminate protein in the blood, which may cause things like arthritis, but if you have bone spurs in the shoulder, I don't think enzymes will fix that.
@pk33 that's gay.
The Morning Constitutional: October 30th, 2024
Rumble: https://rumble.com/v5mkjue-the-morning-constitutional-october-30th-2024.html
MGTOW.TV: https://www.mgtow.tv/watch/the-morning-constitutional-october-30th-2024\_M5VzhwPWlrU7LQ9.html
Bitchute: https://old.bitchute.com/video/ejvv88VEKotp/
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@TurdFlingingMonkey:1/2024-10-30-08-53-17:5
PeerTube: website is down
TFM Website: https://tee.fm/
Amazon Books: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AT.+F.+Monkey