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@white_male @mmmfeet @WashedOutGundamPilot Hungary's birthrate is NOT above replacement. A lot of hay was made over their "baby boom" wherein the birthrate rose from 1.3 to 1.5, which still isn't above replacement.

When massive welfare subsidies are announced, births are often moved FORWARD but the aggregate birth rate doesn't actually go up.

dozens of countries have tried this same scheme to use welfare to raise fertility and it never works.

Only patriarchy has ever and will ever work.

@mmmfeet @WashedOutGundamPilot If you were right (which you're not) then Singapore's propaganda drive (as well as dozens of other countries) to increase their birthrates above replacement would have worked, but they don't.

Instead of going directly to overthrowing the government and race war, perhaps try controlling the women within your own families and communities. The Amish don't have a problem with that and they're pacifists who live under the same ZOG you do.

@mmmfeet @WashedOutGundamPilot If has nothing to do with sanctions. It's due to Iran allowing women to go to college and have jobs, whereas they aren't allowed to within the Orthodox Jewish communities in Israel despite having more "rights".

This is my point. Patriarchy isn't something that is imposed top-down, but is enforced at the local level from the men upon THEIR OWN WOMEN.

You can make women dress in hijabs and go to church, but you don't make them stay home and pregnant, they won't.

@udongle @WashedOutGundamPilot What would white people do differently compared to Iran (ignoring that Persians are Caucasian).

If you think an ethnostate will solve all your problems, why do Japan and South Korea have some of the lowest fertility rates on Earth?

Even during WW2 when the Nazis tried to raise the birthrate, they only raised them to 1.9, which isn't even replacement, but was impressive in relation to other European countries.

Only patriarchy works, and patriarchy is always local

@coin @fell You remove the screws and remove the battery. I've had to remove the battery in a smartphone once or twice due to the screen freezing and the power button not working.

If you need a special screwdriver, or if the tablet/phone using pegs or tabs that can't be removed without breaking the device (and voiding the warranty), then you can take it to the Apple Store and tell them to use their "genius" tools to fix it.

@fell remove the power source. It turns off the device every time.

@aphron There is a random holiday every day.

Today (May 15th) is International Kangaroo Care Awareness Day. I shit you not.

@coolboymew I remember back in the 80s and 90s, cartoons would recycle and dub over entire animation segments and reuse them over and over again.

90% of He-Man cartoons were the same stock sequences every episode with different words dubbed over them.

@WashedOutGundamPilot Singapore tried to use media and propaganda to get women to marry men and have babies and it didn't work.

Iran is an authoritarian Muslim state with morality police and hijab laws, and their birthrates are dogshit too.

Meanwhile, the Orthodox Jews and Amish have an average of 7 kids per family despite living in fully developed western countries with Feminism and Progressive laws.

The solution isn't top down, it's bottom up. Men must take their OWN women's rights away.

@coolboymew It's like the movie Inside Out, with each Japanese man representing different aspects of man's personality.

@basedbagel marital rape wasn't a crime until the 1990s in the US.

@basedbagel it's okay to feel good when you're validated, but don't make that your motivation. Treat external validation as "found money". It's something you don't expect and is a nice "bonus" when it happens.

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