@Justicar white people are too polite, and they take pride in it.

[40k] When the Chaos Space Marine starts to make a profound argument (Sisters of Battle)


@CygnusX1 You will probably have to cut into the doll to repair the metal skeleton and use "strategic lingerie" to cover up the scars from the surgery.

@SamHarris I figured out how to use a second pillow under my arm to stop my shoulder from hurting when I sleep on my side, so I'm doing better now.

@Zennagain If they came from somewhere like Iran, China, or Russia, they would have said so.

If they don't mention the country the bomb threats came from it's either Ukraine or Israel. My money is on Israel.

My sleep schedule is dictated by my pain killers. I can only sleep for about 3 hours at a time because the medicine only lasts about 4 hours and takes an hour to "kick in".

I now have to take naps and I've lost all internal sense of time. It's only Monday, but it feels like it should be Tuesday.

I'm at least functional and my hands "work" although my grip strength is shit due to soreness. I have to use jar opening devices like that soylent meme.

I can't see a rheumatologist until late Oct.

@ForbiddenDreamer @BarelyEagle @graf The guy doesn't take pride in his sex doll waifu. Learn how to refresh her makeup and brush her wig once in a while.

My sex doll is 7 years old, but she looks better than when I unboxed her because I take care of her.

@mutageno2 @Zeb loans don't cause inflation because they move spending forward but make up for it by spreading out the repayment, and there is no increase in the money supply.

Government creating money from thin air and spending it (never to be repaid) is where inflation comes from.

@Scubbie @Quentel @leespringfield1903 the first shooter was in a Blackrock ad as well.

That's REALLY strange that both shooters have been in ads. What are the odds?

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