
My sleep schedule is dictated by my pain killers. I can only sleep for about 3 hours at a time because the medicine only lasts about 4 hours and takes an hour to "kick in".

I now have to take naps and I've lost all internal sense of time. It's only Monday, but it feels like it should be Tuesday.

I'm at least functional and my hands "work" although my grip strength is shit due to soreness. I have to use jar opening devices like that soylent meme.

I can't see a rheumatologist until late Oct.

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Shit man, were you in a car accident or something?

@Tfmonkey The Keto diet and it wonderful effects 😆😆😆


An elderly relative used both cold and hot gel pads. Use a cloth to not injure your skin.

> Heat and cold. Use of heat, such as applying heating pads to aching joints, taking hot baths or showers, or immersing painful joints in warm paraffin wax, can help relieve pain temporarily. Be careful not to burn yourself. Use heating pads for no more than 20 minutes at a time.

@Tfmonkey 🤷🏻‍♂️ some people indeed cannot be helped until they have that philosophical heart attack.


Get some anti inflamatory meds, everytime my Trap muscles spasms, i take Naproxen with some Flexeril aka Cyclobenzaprine lower the inflamation and the Flexeril also knocks you out.

I take it when my hands start hurting when i used to work as a fry cook and dishwasher, the constant momement on my wrist made my fingers numb and pain.

@Tfmonkey your marine bros told you about your lord, thy god, pull ups. You didn't want to listen.

@Tfmonkey Hopefully the rheumatologist will be able to provide a diagnosis and treatment!


Try some grip-strengthening exercises.

Begin with gentle masturbation. Choke that monkey, and make sure you practise with both hands.

When you've reached Kuroi-level endurance, graduate to truck stops. Handle as many cocks as you can and really improve your ambidextrous grip strength.

@Tfmonkey Take it easy my man. If you aren't up to the MMM these days just keep it short and sweet until you are back to normal. Have you considered using a hammock for sleep? Being in a fetal position and not lying flat might reduce movement and sleep disruption.

@SamHarris I figured out how to use a second pillow under my arm to stop my shoulder from hurting when I sleep on my side, so I'm doing better now.

@Tfmonkey Try the hammock. They are so comfortable. Pretty cheap on Amazon. Get a 2x person size though.

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