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@All_Ogre yes I've been told I need to talk to my rheumatologist about hydroquinone but my appointment isn't until late October.

@Zeb a lot of the institutional money chased the AI bubble, but a lot of it is in money markets (i.e. cash).

@charliebrownau @Wopu whites have had it too good for too long. They aren't going to choose the path of pain and suffering willingly. It will have to be imposed on them through the economic consequences of their shitty birthrates and bankrupt welfare system.

@Mongoliaboo @Pain66 in the words of the barenaked ladies, it's all be done before.

the only thing that works in patriarchy. taking women's rights away raises birthrates, but South Korea is a vassal of the US/Israel, so they can't solve the problem.

@Wopu they're going to do it. They just need to figure out a way to do so with plausible deniability.

I'm guessing a "rogue general" will launch missiles into Russia and the West will wag their finger at him.

here is a YouTube video showing what converted magnetic tiles look like when painted up and with some drywall tape and cut up bubble wands added for texture.

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I saw this on Amazon today as a limited time deal. These magnet tiles make excellent TTRPG and wargaming scatter terrain. You just need to prime and paint them to look like stone or metal depending on if you're using them for a fantasy or grimdark setting.

@JeffTheJoker they're not going to let their tax cattle go without a fight.

@JeffTheJoker secession means civil war. All road lead to civil war, a coup, or slavery and death.

@sardonicsmile we are all just clumps of cells. All living things are just clumps of cells. Regarding a recession, the government is lying but recessions only become official when the government admits it.

yo @Tfmonkey check out this meme! When I saw this meme I IMMEDIATELY thought of you bro. Has anyone ever sent you this before?

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Shadowman311 Boomers are too old to change their thinking, and are stuck on mental autopilot, which is why they refuse to think of Russia as "the good guys" because their brains shut down decades ago.

@Shini_Koroshi everyone is waiting for someone not them to risk their lives and freedom because they have too much to lose.

Some people reach "fuck it" sooner than others. Some dig their own grave and lay down peacefully in the hole waiting to be shot and never resist.

The problem isn't that people are ignorant or stupid. The problem is that people are weak.

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