@Thisisme It won't pass, if they still aren't drafting most women in Ukraine, they're not going to draft women in the US either.

More important than who's getting drafted to WW3, is who's going to refuse and violently tell the government/military/police to go fuck themselves. Women aren't going to do that, will the men?

@Based_Accelerationist @Thisisme That's a reason why they'll push for it to pass. Once it does, you'll see a remarkable pivot to drone-based warfare, the kind that contractors build and can be controlled from comfortable desk chairs.

@PunishedD @Thisisme And they need that kind of an excuse, one that would betray their main demographic just to pivot to drone-based warfare, which they're already doing anyway?
Drafting men to fight against Russia/China/Iran is already a gamble, but throw in their women too and all the American simps might just revolt.

If they actually start drafting women, then I'll have to believe their goal is population reduction/civil war or something, because it's a downright crazy move.

@Based_Accelerationist @Thisisme They've already betrayed their main demographic. The ideologues are in control at the top levels.

I think there's two independent movements in play, which intersect here. One is the absolutely terrible recruitment numbers, which is driving the draft talk in the first place. The people trying to solve that view drafting women as a necessity for raw numbers, and (at least partly) buy into the idea of battlefield equality. Or maybe they plan to kick all the men out of the logistics & supply chain, replace them with drafted women, and move the men to the front.

The second movement is the hardcore belief in technological systems over infantry. Modern military planners would love to never put boots on ground again, and only fight with missiles, drones, planes, artillery, and any other gadget that requires button pushing instead of a strong back. This change has been slowly moving for decades, but the Ukraine war showed that the era of drones/artillery has fully taken over the physical battlefield.

Put the two together, and I can guarantee you there was a meeting somewhere where a general said "yes, draft the women too, we need more drone operators and logistics coordinators".

@PunishedD @Thisisme Ok, then why haven't they done that in Ukraine? Why did they allow the women to leave and are still not drafting them in droves to operate their drones?
You'd think they wouldn't do such a thing in the US without at least testing it in Ukraine first.

What I think this is, is a scare tactic. They scare the public into thinking they might draft women and then, when the bill gets shut down and they only draft the men, most people are relieved, now it doesn't sound as bad.

@Based_Accelerationist @Thisisme Yeah, that's a possible tactic. Not sure who they'd be getting support from with that particular tactic, but maybe the distraction is enough.

Ukraine didn't try this because they started the war in home-defense mode, which means boots on ground and geared towards men. All the stories of female troops in the trenches have turned out terribly. The drones only came after heavy NATO support, and I strongly suspect those weapon systems are being run by Western personnel, not Ukrainian soldiers.

My theory is the US is aiming for total force conversion, as well as global force projection. There's more need for female techs and pencil pushers in that strategy, than in armies that need units slogging from village to village dodging artillery fire.

@Based_Accelerationist The point is to kill the bill, I'm thinking. You can't pass laws in feminist America that inconvenience women. Thanks to whoever added that bit about drafting women, they were looking out for us.

@Thisisme love it, but its not fair that the woman who mainly caused this are all over 25 yrs old while the woman who are gonna pay the price and get registered are all under 25. Yes, its a step in the right direction but not far enough, woman should comprise no less than 80% of the military, the other 20% should be their simp, white knight supporters.

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