The TFM Show: October 19th, 2024
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@GaryBussy tragic, they ruined a perfectly good Honda Fit.
5 round capacity for rifles.
But this is a pistol, so 10 rounds would be allowed for it.
To be honest, it's a miracle that semi autos are still legal. For now anyway.
Well, as long as a woman is reasonably attractive, she could probably find SOME guy to take care of her.
The uggos aren't making it though.
When it's SHTF time, all woman in the west will be frantically searching for a man to protect and provide for them.
Because women aren't capable of living on their own without DEI and Affirmative Action. This GirlBoss shit is only possible through Gov money.
In a survival scenario, any woman without a man will simply starve to death. All the bull-dyke lesbians will need to shave their armpits and wear their hair long.
I hope I'm alive to see that day
Your correct but I would like to add, while the progressive brainwashing is real, women are naturally just Marxists
Female nature is to seek protection and provision. So of course women are going to lean into any ideology that promises free stuff.
That is simply their nature. They can't help it.
Women don't understand what makes them attractive.
Men are attracted to youth and beauty; women are attracted to status.
Women think because THEY are attracted to status and money, men must be too.
So these women waste their youthful & fertile years chasing useless degrees and climbing the corporate ladder.
When they are middle aged, they think they are 10/10s because they have money and credentials now.
These woman than get butthurt when successful men are chasing 20yo cashiers.
@VIPPER wow, and here I am, a mere sexist.
Gotta step my game up.
@Based_Accelerationist demographic replacement IS what I'm talking about. That IS white extinction.
Yes weak men are the issue, and those weak men are currently in all levels of government.
Which is why the solution is 🪓 the government.
Than women's rights can get the 🪓
Than birthrates restored
@DicusMaximus this is rule34 of tfm😰
Yes I can answer that for sure.
The reason why the WHITE fertility rate needs to go up is because if the WHITE birthrate continues on this downward trend, white people will literally go extinct.
I don't care how many people in general are on the planet. The amount of Arabs, Indians, North Africans, Sub-Saharan Africans, Latinos and other races are not important to me.
White people are endangered globally. And I want this trend to reverse as soon as possible.
@ToyotaTime because it's so far beyond the paie that nobody even considers it.
It's genius. You make the solutions unthinkable, and watch everyone squirm trying to find an ":acceptable solution".
The short answer is Russia isn't a dictatorship, and neither is China.