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ToyotaTime boosted

@PhilosopherRex It gets worse. That bell curve is ONLY for children between 11 and 13 wherein girls start puberty before boys, and have a once-in-a-lifetime developmental advantage, and they can only break-even. By 17 boys are smarter than girls once puberty kicks in.

See Richard Lynn's studies. The reason you only see the 11-13 graph is because it promotes "equality"

ToyotaTime boosted


I'll just expand a little bit on the idea of force.

When I say force, I don't mean that women need to be tied up or something.

I'm referring to how western societies in history have limited women's freedom

For instance, women have historically had their freedom of choice restricted. Women were not allowed to choose their husbands, instead, women were put into arranged marriages by their fathers.

There is a good reason why men of the past forbade women from choosing a man


Women absolutely do need to be forced, via patriarchy, to assume their traditional roles.

This is apparent when you look at more traditional countries like Russia.

In Russia, women are "raised right". Feminism and other such jewish propaganda is not allowed to take hold there.

And yet, the Russian birthrate low. Terribly low in fact, comparable to U.S birthrates.

Because, social conditioning cannot over-ride a woman's nature.

Female choice is not compatible with civilization.


Yes, but women will never *voluntarily* submit to male rule.

Its similar to a young child. A child wants to be given structure and discipline by their parents, HOWEVER, the child will not voluntarily submit to their parents authority. Parents simply have to take control because children are immature.

Women are similarly immature by nature, they want to be ruled, but will never voluntarily allow men to take control. Which is why patriarchy has been necessary historically.

ToyotaTime boosted


is there any chance that white men will reinstate patriarchy and force white women to have kids again?

You know, instead of women spending their 20s going to college and climbing the corporate ladder, they could get married and have large families?

Every successful civilization before the 1920s was a patriarchy, because women are designed to be ruled.

ToyotaTime boosted

Tags: stats, race, blacks, whites, crime, intelligence, iq, money, poverty, usa, america, violent_crime
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ToyotaTime boosted


It's your own leaders, not China or whoever the hell, that's to blame for your countries jobs and resources being outsourced


You don't need to live in 14th century Europe to have community and family.

It wasn't that long ago that having community and family was the norm. Like, 80 years ago

every man had a wife and kids along with a healthy local society centered around religion.

@pyrate @dictatordave

The American trucker protest failed because the feds broke it up before they could Reach the capitol.

What the vaxxies believe doesn't matter. All that matters is what the government is able to do. For the lockdowns, the government ended that around the same time the Ukraine War started.

At that point, the regime decided that fighting Russia overseas was more important that locking down every western country.

@dictatordave fair enough, we don't have a 2A

BUT I think we should get points for having the stones to nationally protest against those lockdowns.

Something that people in the U.S didn't do. I think you guys tried to have your own trucker protest, but it never took off.

@dictatordave out here talking like you got balls 🥱, planning on falling in line like everyone else when/if the lockdowns happen again.

@dictatordave even if that "motherfucker" is a police officer?

You have the correct idea, but can you keep that energy with actual enforcers of that tyranny?


what food does the U.S get from China? Barely anything.

The U.S doesn't import much food from China, but they DO import a lot of food from South America and Canada.

In general the sentiment is good, domestic production is important for any country.

This hatred of China is gay though. China didn't do anything to the U.S

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