Guys, now hear me out here, what if and I know this may sound crazy but what if, it isn't the Jews but was actually women this whole time?

If you're doing keto, here are my top recommended snacks. Fit Crunch tastes like a candy bar. The Genius Gourmet bars taste like dehydrated ice cream, and the Keto ice cream bars are better than the "Carb Smart" bars that I've tried from other stores.

I found all of these at Costco. I've tried other brands, but these are the one I like the best.

Life would be a whole lot more entertaining if we had technology that displayed women's actual body count.

Tradthots would disappear overnight and I'd be out every day laughing my ass off.

@Tfmonkey I'm not saying he'll fix everything, I'm just saying the country finding out after a lot of fucking around is hilarious.

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