Dreizin analysis of the current situation and its impact.

Conclusion: ukraine will take a backseat now because everyone can see it's a failure.

@Tfmonkey update.

He predicts if israel resorts to tactical nukes, then ukraine better start shitting itself.

What happened yesterday was the nigger swan event of the year.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

A no-shit random Black Swan? Or a well planned maneuver designed to put US/Israel on the horns of a resource dilemna?

This is like covid jabs and Ukraine all over again - it forces people to reveal their beliefs and loyalties. I've learned alot about the people i know these last few years.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey
It was obviously planned by the enemies of israel. And it's also a nasty surprise. So both. It's a black swan that will shift the geopolitical playing field.

The only thing that matters is how it will affect oil and gas.


@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

The energy commodities angle is important yes.

More important to me however is the information war and who controls it. If this results in the collapse of Zionist control over Western conservatives and media, that's a lot. That's immigration, retreat from Globalism, news, education, etc.. It's GloboHomo collapse.


@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey
>If this results in the collapse of Zionist control over Western conservatives

No. Mainstream conservatives are will never turn on israel. Every single one of them has been virtue signaling all day and night over this attack. Democrats are pro israel. Only people on the fringe question support for israel. There is no "if." It won't happen.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

I'm not as blackpilled on that. At some inflection point there has to be a reduction in the amount of Jew cock-sucking.

More voters want an end to the humiliation ritual of politicians sucking Jew cock.

More want answers to the question of "open borders for me but not for thee", and more voters are concerned with the cost and security implications of open borders.

Let Jew cock-sucking be the metric.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey every leader of the right. Every single presidential candidate has jew jew cum on their lips.

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