Dreizin analysis of the current situation and its impact.

Conclusion: ukraine will take a backseat now because everyone can see it's a failure.

@Tfmonkey update.

He predicts if israel resorts to tactical nukes, then ukraine better start shitting itself.

What happened yesterday was the nigger swan event of the year.

@Tfmonkey Lol. Lmao even.

I've also heard remarks asking why israel was so easily overwhelmed and why their response was so slow. Zionist bros, I don't think israel is feeling so good.


@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

It's the art of war.

Project more power when you have less, hide power when you have more.

It's difficut to get accurate news on this. Zionist billionaires control Western media, while MIddle Eastern news is also fucked.

What we end up with is this Hasbara vs Wahhabi pissing contest over who can produce the fakest and gayest news.

Ryan Dawson has personal contacts in Gaza, Israel, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon, but more news sources would be good.

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