Looking at moving country? Take this map into consideration:

@UncleIroh Damn, Mexico is more fucked up than I realized.

Amr took a lot of trips to Mexico, not tourist Mexico but deep Mexico, and he didn't have any trouble.

Then again, Amr just finished his trip in Ukraine that ended with him spending time in a city that had been bombed during the war. He seems to have a gift for travel.

@Mongoliaboo @UncleIroh you guys really believe everything you see on the internet? Then please go live in north africa or baltimore, according to that map it is totally safe.

@37712 @Mongoliaboo

The map is mostly accurate. Remember, this ranks cities by murder rate, not countries by murder rate. That would be a different map (see below).



The country data is now almost 7 years old and I highly doubt El Salvador is still the worst place.

@UncleIroh @Mongoliaboo same, many of these murderers have alredy migrated to the USA so best of luck


@37712 @Mongoliaboo

Dude, you're displaying massive levels of cope and butthurt. Mexico is hella fucked.

Found the spic.

@UncleIroh @Mongoliaboo lol, found the spic, well hope you find a better plan than staying in the jewnuted states with all the brown and black immigrants

@37712 @Mongoliaboo

Dude, no shade on you being Mexican. You are what you are, but there's no getting around the fact that statistically you guys are the world's most prolific murderers. Own it.

@UncleIroh @37712 @Mongoliaboo
I'm actually proud Brazil has one of the highest murder rates, one of the countries that most murders women and also:
We're number 1 in transvestite murders! Yeaahhh!

The only reason we're officially behind mexico is because most of the corpses are never found.

@shortstories @UncleIroh @37712 @Mongoliaboo
It's all lies. Every Brazilian is mixed-race. They just changed the categories to push the typical woke message.

@Zeb @37712 @Mongoliaboo

Well there's a shit ton of places to hide the bodies so you might be onto something.

Also, like Mexico I suspect the majority of this is directly drug cartel related, specifically cocaine and derivatives.

@UncleIroh @37712 @Mongoliaboo
100%. Without the US "war on drugs" flooding the world with hard drugs, mexico would be pretty chill.

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