So nobody was gonna tell me about the gay shit in Cowboy Bebop huh?

That's cool I see how it is

@basedbagel - There was gay shit?? 🤔🤔

I mean, Edward was very tomboy... and Spike's perm always seemed effeminate to me, but then I learned it's apparently a Yakuza trope... and I had a good think about cultural differences, and how funny they can be.

But other than that, I don't remember much of any gay shit. Well, unless it's the Netflix live-action. 😅😂🤣

@YoMomz @basedbagel ask not if there was homosexual activity. Ask why the bagel was so desperate to find it.

@ButtWorldsMan @YoMomz

You're missing some context.

I made a poll asking if I should watch the show because I'm busy and don't want to waste my time.

I foolishly assumed if there was any bullshit in there that I would be warned as such.

I wasn't looking to find gay shit in a 25+ year old anime .

I was looking for escapism.

instead I found a guy so cool/skilled he constantly get's saved/ outsmarted by hoes and children.

They gay shit just threw me off as it would any normal person.

@basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan @YoMomz I have watched Cowboy Bebop and didn't remember about that .But the show has only one scene , there are animes like get backers that are worse.

@ugly_bastard_reborned @basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan @YoMomz

> I can't tell if you guys are fucking with me

That's because you're a bagel, and bagels are essentially one big bonus hole.

It's in your very nature to crave cream and meat.

What am I saying exactly??

That you're probably a gay slut. Hey, don't hate the player.

@UncleIroh @ugly_bastard_reborned @ButtWorldsMan @YoMomz

"you're probably a gay slut."

OMG don't even joke like that.

I'm so sick of seeing/hearing anything gay.

i wish we could go back to don't ask don't tell

@basedbagel @ugly_bastard_reborned @ButtWorldsMan @YoMomz

> i wish we could go back to don't ask don't tell

At the very least yes, but with one very clear boundary. Anyone caught advocating for gayness is punished for sedition. Teachers, academics, activists, authors, billionaires, paupers, artists of all kinds - whoever it is, they get punished.

Homosexuality is anti-natal, feminizing subversiveness. I can tolerate don't-ask individuals but organized gayness needs to die.

@UncleIroh @ugly_bastard_reborned @ButtWorldsMan @YoMomz

"I can tolerate don't-ask individuals but organized gayness needs to die."

Say it again from the rooftops!

Honestly I can barely tolerate don't ask people.

This is TMI but I've been told by many that I have body type that fags like 🤢 which explains why there were so many approaching me back in UNI and whenever I visited a big city.

@basedbagel @ugly_bastard_reborned @ButtWorldsMan @YoMomz

I couldn't say, but it's probably down to faggots either preferring plain or seeded bagels.

@ugly_bastard_reborned @ButtWorldsMan @YoMomz

HAHAHAHA go fuck yourself! @UncleIroh

This is a serious issue IMO and it annoys me that people brush off gays as harmless and think gay rape is funny.

I once had a couple fags follow my car in the middle of the night because they thought I was attractive.... I was like WTF?!😡

If I followed a female around in the middle of the night because I thought she was cute I'd be UNDER the jail. 😤


@basedbagel @ugly_bastard_reborned @ButtWorldsMan @YoMomz

Like I said, organized gayness is active, hostile, predatory subversiveness. Kill it with fire.

@UncleIroh @ugly_bastard_reborned @ButtWorldsMan @YoMomz

I agree, If it was Baron Bagel in charge we could solve the problem with the greatest of ease

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