History is pretty clear on the fact that jews only know to kick their host in the knee 'till it collapse, and have no real plan beyond that, no idea about how to even capitalize on it, and are even pretty garbage at even detecting when the collapse will happen on their face.
They just flee everywhere they can, use the collapse they created as a sob story to get inside the next host, and repeat - all with no real final plan, just to sabotage everything constantly.

Once they get rid of whites, they will probably go extinct.
Only whites are kind and trustful enough for this kind of antic to work, and jews can't operate a functional society by themselves, in isolation they have even more dysfunctional than women.


>they will probably go extinct.

That's highly unlikely.

2 black people can make a white baby. It happens everyday.

Nature's biodiversity wouldn't allow for the extinction of any race barring nuclear war.

>Only whites are kind and trustful enough

There is no evidence that your race makes you more kind or trustful.

it all comes down to your genetic personality traits like Agreeableness and openness to new experiences.

Superior Bloodlines > Superior Race


@basedbagel, your take here is retarded. By your own "bloodline" argument you would have to conclude that Jews are genetically predisposed to what all other peoples across history have defined as massively dysfunctional.

They are what they are.

@VooDooMedic, the big differences this time around:

* they have a country to fuck off back to now, but they won't unless forced.

* they have run out of hosts. The internet means their bullshit is forever documented.

@basedbagel @VooDooMedic

“While the Zionists try to make the rest of the World believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. All they want is a central organisation for their international world swindler, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.”
― Hitler, Mein Kampf

@basedbagel @VooDooMedic

Also, there's nothing wrong with nationalism at all.

I love House Atreides from Dune - order, strong men, impressive architecture & achievements, warriorship & great family lines - I love that stuff, I think it speaks to any man's blood.

BUT, if you're going to do that you can't make it about the "special blood" or you end up like the Jews. You have to always be competing for the metaphysical trophy of the Good, the Beautiful and the True.

Jews lost that battle.

@basedbagel @VooDooMedic

And this may sound funny, but I pity Jews more than I hate them.

Born into genetic victimhood, they learned how to fashion that into a weapon AND a shield in order to "get back" at literally everyone.

They are mankind's Cain, born to resentment. By now, they are so lost in their own narrative that they have created an internal culture of abuse and trauma to legitimize this view of themselves.

This is how you get Jewish billionaires who feel oppressed.

No thanks.

@UncleIroh @basedbagel @VooDooMedic How they have lost the battle ? Everyone is noticing . But look at the state of the country .


@ugly_bastard_reborned @basedbagel @VooDooMedic

Several things can be true. Their evil is being unmasked AND things will get worse AND they will ultimately lose.

I don't have the predictive power to describe the exact events that connect these 3 statements, or how they lose, but I do know that Israel and Zionism is a doomed project.

It is like expecting a man with terminal cancer to lead nations. It will end because it has to, even if it causes untold damage along the way. Maybe it's needed.

@UncleIroh @Stahesh @basedbagel @VooDooMedic Notice how Cartman is the racist in South Park and is "evil" because he is selfish. What they have done is a kind of propaganda called : "Misdirection". Where they associate what they want to ban with "bad traits" .

@UncleIroh @Stahesh @basedbagel @VooDooMedic Yes . It backfired . Cartman is the best character of the show . But they can't say it .

@UncleIroh @ugly_bastard_reborned @basedbagel @VooDooMedic They Will always have Argentina AND Ukraine to run if Israel proyect fails.

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