Honestly I really don’t like when I hear boomers and gen xers talk about how easy millennials and gen z have it, when the reality is if they were to be young in this economy they would not be able to do any of the things they bragged about doing.


@I_AmTheKnight Kinda amazes me how many people didn't get far in the greatest era of prosperity in human history.

@FinalDresdonation @I_AmTheKnight @basedbagel

Yes we have many things that make life easier compare to previous generations.

But in current age we have many things that makes life harder for us

old system with debt and inflation never seen before

wages that are kept low

things are more complex compare to previous generation due to electricity and programming

with more use of internet we have large scale competition for relationships and jobs

@Stahesh @FinalDresdonation @I_AmTheKnight

No argument from me.

All are valid reasons why boomers should be quiet.

Another thing that annoys me about boomers is that they REFUSE to retire.

Idk why they won't go sit down and play bingo already but if the boomers retired young people would have an easier time in this hellish job market.

(Of course boomers would have to train younger people in trades so we don't have massive shortages)


@basedbagel @Stahesh @FinalDresdonation @I_AmTheKnight

Gen-Xer here.

We were also horribly lied to. Most of us walked into the meat-grinder of marriage and family, and the carnage among my peers has been devastating.

Blown up families, divorces, suicides, financial ruin, I've seen more than I care to.

Millennials will become the wealthiest generation soon, inheriting $68 trillion from Boomers by 2030. Things are so far gone and they are so retarded I just don't see it helping them.

@UncleIroh @Stahesh @FinalDresdonation @I_AmTheKnight

>We were also horribly lied to

True, one reason I will always hold you guys in high regard wis that Gen Xers were the 1st I heard sounding the alarm about marriage.

>I've seen more than I care to.
I bet! Lucky for me anytime my friends got married I never saw them again so I have no idea how bag/good its going lol.

>Millennials will become the wealthiest generation soon

NGL I'm a little jelly.

@UncleIroh @Stahesh @FinalDresdonation @I_AmTheKnight

>Things are so far gone and they are so retarded I just don't see it helping them.

lol I wouldn't give up on them just yet as hard times make strong men.

Who knows maybe the pressure will make diamonds.

Milennials/Gen X I will always respect because you guys risked it all to tell the truth on YT and saved me and many Gen Zers SO much agony and confusion you will never know.

@basedbagel @Stahesh @FinalDresdonation @I_AmTheKnight

It's all good..

I'm definitely grateful to Sandman/Joker/TFM/Barbar/Colttaine and others for putting themselves out there.

And honestly, it's a relief seeing guys your age handle stuff and not step in that turd.

@UncleIroh @basedbagel @Stahesh @FinalDresdonation @I_AmTheKnight >We were also horribly lied to
Nearly all of the liars believed the lies though, and even at this late date, most still do.

@EvilSandmich @basedbagel @FinalDresdonation @I_AmTheKnight @Stahesh

"One does not simply swallow the redpill, it must be violently shoved up one's ass with no lube" - Boromir

@UncleIroh @EvilSandmich @basedbagel @FinalDresdonation @I_AmTheKnight

This is where it came from. This Is The Source. The Pure Rage

I have been consumed by hate. Hate That Naturally Turned To Rage. The Equal Equation Of Life Itself.

This is a strange world full of strange people. I hate it. I hate them.

Atrocitus red lantern

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