Reddit fags just can't solve the mystery of why boys and young men are turning conservative while the girls are turning into whores.

@UncleIroh saw this yesterday on xwitter. A simplified theory to explain this: men increasingly resent the rigged, feminized, anti-male nature of society, while women embrace their societal privileges, follow the current thing (which is set by the left-wing government), and are increasingly being rejected by masculine men and doubling down on their feminism.


I'd agree with that. And as South Korea goes, so do we all.

The comments are fascinating. They all acknowledge that the left hates men and boys.

And there is way more leftist men calling out feminism and recounting stories of being at the sharp end of misandry than I would have expected.

@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan The problem is that they do not come to the conclusion that the left is wrong about this, but rather they still insist that they are on the left but not one of those man hating lefties. Never do they come to understand that the left is necessarily anti-male because they need to put men down in order to get anywhere near equality (though it is still not enough).

But that is to be expected when you don't live in reality.


@houseoftolstoy @ButtWorldsMan

Reading that thread, I come away with the impression that lefty men, even the most soy-infused ones are starting to wake up and resent the feminist grift. And they are pissed about it in that soy passive-aggressive way they have.

The feminists in there are not as strident as the online feminists of 5 years ago.

If they keep this up, the male/female left are going to hate each other more than they hate the "far right" within another 5 years.

@UncleIroh @houseoftolstoy @ButtWorldsMan The difference is that the soy men will likely do something excessive and drastic like a genocide to where their foil would rather subjugate them in the role they were always meant to have. Not too different an outcome the one child policy China came up with when children were seen as too abundant.

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