Can someone who understands what he's saying explain it to me like I'm retarded


@VooDooMedic translation: he daytrades by following momentum like all the other normies.

This clip is likely from a couple of years ago during the post-pandemic "bull market".

Everyone looks like a genius when the market is going up, and the people who make the craziest and most insane bets (and win) think they are financial gurus.

Notice how these types are always under the age of 25? That isn't a coincidence.

Most of these guys don't' survive their first recession.

@Tfmonkey so basically they are hoping to wipe people like this out when nvidia pops?

@VooDooMedic these people appear every bubble, and they commit suicide after it pops.

They'll be back when the next bubble rolls around. There is always a new generation of idiots who think they are financial geniuses because they made money during a bull market.

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic It's funny if you look back at the last few years because the NFT grift is a post-pandemic bubble. Where are these faggots now? AI speculation is the new grift. To buy nvidia now is playing russian roulette.

I'm more confident in oil as it drops while the SPR is being emptied. Is the world war ending any time soon? Nope. I'm bullish on oil going above 80 again, hopefully this year.

@Zeb @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic


Whenever the mainstream media asks a question like this, the answer is almost always NO.

It is a well known journalistic mind-fucking tactic used to steer normiefag opinion and behavior.

Try it out on a few headlines, once you see it you can't unsee it.

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