
It was only a matter of time before we got an anime about "a man who falls in love with his maid robot".

Enjoy ..

@UncleIroh The hook is the waifu, obviously, but to make it safe, she must not bridge the uncanny valley; so, her emotions are removed.

@UncleIroh @DoubleD
I love how female robots are being inserted directly into mainstream bit by bit, to not spook the normies.
Then suddenly there will be a "daring" movie/series that pushes the boundary and critics will consider it groundbreaking. Works every time.

@Zeb @DoubleD

Yup, that's how it's done.

And I'm seeing anime being used more and more as the stalking horse for various social agendas.

Honestly, they'd be fools not to. It's powerful.

@UncleIroh this was made while I was on college:

I will give you 3 guesses to find where the button on/off is, but you'll only need 1.

@UncleIroh Just watched the first 2 episodes. I dig it. Very sweet. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Worth 20 minutes a week so far.


I kind of assume they had cartoons or anime about people falling in love with robots for several decades already


This is a little different. As far as I'm aware, this is the one of the first mainstream forays into male-waifu relationships.

@UncleIroh oh my goodness is this a stealing website for thieves? I could never do such an awful thing!!!

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