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A useful way to see how much inflation is directly fucking you in the ass is to think in terms of how much energy you can buy with your salary.

How many kwh can I buy with my salary?


There's massive variance by state, which is why this method is useful for each person.

If your salary goes up but the kwh price goes up faster you can see just how hard you're getting fucked.

Not for the faint hearted.

Just a reminder that the ADL thinks you're a terrorist for going your own way.

TFM mentioned Academic Agent's (AA) analysis on Israel and the West's addiction to Zionism.

I saw that stream and his analysis is spot on. AA calls it the Octopus and it's a better, more high resoution version of The Cathedral.

Here's the stream:

And here's his article on the Octopus:

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.