The media likes to state that abortion isn't a contraceptive. Bullshit.
That infographic is why abortion is the number one contraceptive choice for women.
Feminism dies without women having the ability to kill their babies, which is why politicians and women of every political stripe will fight to the death to keep it.
"Beware the Ides of March"
On this day, March 15th 4BC in Rome, a group of senators, including Brutus and Cassius, assassinated Julius Caesar by stabbing him 23 times.
His Praetorian Guard buddies were key to it all of course.
The assassination marked the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire.
Come on devs, get your shit together. Leap year bugs are not cool.
All the feminist bitching and moaning in that article on this morning's show about "men don't think women are human" ..
.. the solution has never been so obvious, the bar never lower.
She looks real cute, easygoing and obedient right? But what do we really know about Ruffles?
* Secretly steals treats and easily gains weight
* Appears loyal but runs off while pretending not to hear you
* Is just that little more aggressive towards Asians and vegans (+1)
* Had a shady history with dobermans
* Sure, she's spayed, but how many puppies are out there?
You have been warned.
@shortstories @Mongoliaboo @VeganMGTOW @FinalDresdonation @basedbagel @Zeb @redmaple @Loosekunt
Poll results are in.
* while 73% believe that the internet produces societal harms,
* 69% also believe that on balance, the internet is a net good and should be kept
Going in, my choice was that the good outweighs the harms, but barely.
The discussions made me realize that I'm more optimistic about that choice than I initially thought.
"Live long and shitpost." - Spock
Oy Vey! The "Tunnelling Jews" jokes were so funny they literally brought the house down:
That Jew coming out of the tunnel will never not be funny.
Sure, she's Jewish and 0% Japanese, but why is no-one pointing out how fugly she is?
Tea expert, retired Fire Nation general, former Crown Prince of the Fire Nation, Grand Lotus of the Order of the White Lotus, firebending master, mentor to loveable nephew retard Zuko, Dragon of the West.
Lover of anime tiddies.