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"I stole this article title "Boy, 5, Rescued by His Grandfather After Being Bitten, Constricted and Dragged into Pool by Python" and asked GPT-3 for that article, except about Python the programming language."

submitted by bemmu

ATTENTION EVERYONE WRINGING THEIR HANDS OVER “#MASTODON ADMINS CAN READ MY DIRECT MESSAGES”: #SysAdmins have *always* been able to read your #email and DMs unless encrypted, including at the big #SocialNetworks and Internet providers. We used to have t-shirts that said, “I READ YOUR EMAIL.”

It’s just hitting now because you got used to places where the admins were kept away in their cubicles and data centers instead of greeting you at the front door.

#privacy #security #InfoSec #cybersecurity

@Tfmonkey @UncleIroh @PalePimp @purvispisgah It has nothing to do with the word. The Mafia is clearly a distinct subset of organized crime, rather than being synonymous with it.
Would you say that any of the coming of age hood movies from the 80's and 90's (Menace 2 Society, Boyz in the Hood, etc) were mafia movies? They all feature organized crime prominently. So if those two terms are synonymous, those are all mafia movies, right? Or are you being dishonest?
@Tfmonkey @UncleIroh @PalePimp @purvispisgah I didn't ask about organized crime. I asked about the Mafia. And I suspect given your dodging of the question you realize how untenable your position is.
Values are not ethereal constructs handed down to us by fairies. They are the result of physical, biological human brains. Different brain biology works to produce different results. And *you* of all people know this. You talk ad nauseum about the differences in male and female biology, and the resultant differences in behavior. But then you turn around and pretend all of that goes completely out the window when talking about racial differences.
@Tfmonkey @UncleIroh @PalePimp @purvispisgah >It's almost like there are jews who are more committed to communism/progressivism than their race/religion or something huh?
And then it's almost like jews on Wall Street funded the Bolsheviks. But I guess Wall Street capitalists are well known for their doctrinaire love of communism.
Or how progressive jewish organizations like the ADL will put out propaganda for "nazi" jews like Ben Shapiro, despite disagreeing with him on every single issue (except ones relating to Israel.)
Or how open borders advocating jews like Barbara Spectre or Chuck Shumer hold that open borders position for *literally* every country in the world except one.
Yes, these examples all show their main concern is ideological rigidity, and not ethnic nepotism.
@Tfmonkey @UncleIroh @PalePimp @purvispisgah I understand this is your position. But it just doesn't really hold water, and demonstrates a level of ignorance of evolutionary psychology that is kind of ironic considering your content.
Irrespective of the label of progressive, I assume you're familiar with the cliche of jews being removed from hundreds of places historically. Well, for all of those we have documentation on the reasoning behind, the exact same language was used that you'll hear on TRS today. Or in NSDAP speeches of the 1930's. Thousands of years apart, on 4 or 5 different continents. The exact same reasoning.
It's just strange that you'll readily tear into any guy who NAWALT's, but are so quick to NAXALT yourself.

I feel so free I was inspired to write some poetry. Ahem

Roses are red
Violets are blue
2020 election was STOLEN
and the Covid Vaccine may kill you

Republicans are red
Democrats are blue
If you value reedom
there's NO party for you!


Please, don't ever quit your day job.

And if you send any more poems I swear it'll be the real goatse meme next time.

Thanks to everyone who sent me suggestions on my last post. If all goes well by backlog should be clear by christmas!

Source: libsoftiktok

As previously reported, the NEA has been distributing “safe space” badges to teachers across the country. The badge has a QR code which leads students to sites containing sexually explicit and pornographic content.

Here an elementary school teacher promotes it:

[Video embedded in original tweet]

Original tweet :
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.