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The 2nd map is Global Dick Size in cm. Converted to inches:

* 6.3 - 7.0
* 5.9 - 6.3
* 5.3 - 5.9
* 4.6 - 5.3
* 3.8 - 4.6 - Pajeets and Asians, you are here!

Also, when it comes to tits the Russkies and Scandinavians are rocking the best racks. Nice.

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For reference her "regular guy" is like seven foot tall, gigachad, with six figures in the back account and a three foot cock.

Honestly the mental anguish she, and many of these cunts experience, is absolutely the greatest of pleasures. Them realizing they aren't anything or even jokingly desirable is absolutely hilarious. Why would any man want a live in prostitute that he has to constantly fight and who can just steal half his shit "legally"?

Here's a hypothetical along the lines of the The Purge film.

If we nominated 1 city every year to host The Rape Game, where for 24 hours women could freely choose to enter or leave the city with full knowledge that staying means they're going to get raped (no murder/violence), would women turn up?

Just a reminder that the ADL thinks you're a terrorist for going your own way.

TFM mentioned Academic Agent's (AA) analysis on Israel and the West's addiction to Zionism.

I saw that stream and his analysis is spot on. AA calls it the Octopus and it's a better, more high resoution version of The Cathedral.

Here's the stream:

And here's his article on the Octopus:

If you haven't fully given up on the entertainment industry yet and want to watch reviews for modern shows or games, but are tired of being misled by grifters who pretend to be against "The Message" while simultaneously promoting it, I recommend watching Synthetic Man instead, by far the best channel of the kind I've found:

More info on Israelis nuke F-35 shot down by Russia. Larry Johnson gives his analysis. Cathedral has managed to keep this off the normies radar. for how long? who knows?

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.