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Thomas Massie spills the beans about AIPAC and congress with Tucker.

Full interview well worth watching.

Holy crap, Judge Nap is on fire!

Cuba may host Russian missiles again. We're heading for the mother of all shitshows if this keeps going.

Abortion stats for anyone having women or cucks push back about you saying that abortion is just glorified child sacrificing

"If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you" - Freidrich "Goatse" Nietzsche

Cellebrite's list of capabilities provided to customers in April 2024 shows they can successfully exploit every non-GrapheneOS Android device brand both BFU and AFU, but not GrapheneOS if patch level is past late 2022. It shows only Pixels stop brute force via the secure element.

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South Korea bans porn. Look it up to see how well their feminism and fertility problem is going.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.