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I have no arms to punch myself and no dick to punch @UncleIroh @philosophy

I'm just a pastry hopping on a keyboard hoping for a better tomorrow.

@UncleIroh @philosophy

"metaphysics isn't real but I believe in the good".

You're spot on but TBH I don't think he even cares one way or the other.

I think he's just as sad lonely atheist who has beef with a couple christians in his life and is taking out on us.

"he couldn't justify replacing it with anything better."

That is my BIGGEST beef with secular people. Disregarding tradition and relegion so quickly with no feasible alternatives.

It's irksome.

@philosophy Forget about it @UncleIroh He has no interest in good faith discussion.

I conceded the good points he made while he ignored and strawmanned mine because he has a clear agenda and made up his mind already.

@philosophy @UncleIroh

This is you last chance to address my points:

1. Christianity is a patriarchal religion so it couldn't have caused feminism. Feminism = Satanism. NOT Christianity

2. Just because people twist/misinterpret the bible doesn't mean we should scrap it all.

It's funny you prove my point without realizing. Moral relitivsm can't work because people will just make up their own subjective morality to suit their current goals (like women) leading to chaos

@philosophy @UncleIroh @basedbagel >and its logical conclusion is that after the rapture, humans will no longer physically exist on Earth.
Rapture theology/premillennialism is not the defacto view of Christianity and is rather recent and mostly American. It isn't a cycle though where souls escape via one-way valve or are otherwise trapped in reincarnation.

@philosophy @UncleIroh @basedbagel what you are referring to is called dispensational premillenialism. It is a surprisingly modern interpretation adopted by American baptists due to the idea being promoted in the Schofield reference bible. >99% of Christians do not, and have never believed in this.

@philosophy @UncleIroh

"don't tell me you're not saying there's a "right way," because that's exactly what this quote is saying."

How are you gonna quote me and then straw man me lol?

put the straw man down and address my actual point.

There is a book called the bible that me and a few people happen to live by.

Alot of people find the twist the bible to their own ends, which is WRONG. Get it now?

I'm not lacking in self awareness you're clearly lacking in reading comprehension.

@philosophy @UncleIroh

"nor does it mean Christianity didn't give rise to feminism."

This is FALSE.

Christianity is as patriarchal religion which diametrically OPPOSES feminism.

Why do you think feminists always bitch about the patriarchy?

Because Patriarchy implies male hedgemony.

@philosophy @UncleIroh

"You're seeing YOUR version of Christianity"


This is not a videogame or windows.

There are no versions of Christianity.

There is scripture and there are humans who twist words to serve their own ends as they have done from antiquity.

To sit here and pretend otherwise is asinine

@philosophy @UncleIroh

I'm losing my patience here as I think you're intentionally ignoring my points.

"There's a TON of Christians out there who pick and choose what they want to follow in the Bible"

AGAIN: people don't follow all the rules but you judge Christianity based off it's principles, not the people.

"Adopting Christianity, therefore, doesn't even guarantee we'll get rid of feminism"

There are no guarantees, but its a pretty safe bet

@philosophy @UncleIroh

"This is exactly the argument liberal Christians make:"

That had nothing to do with what I was saying, though.

You're talking to me, so address my points and not normie Christians who have never read the bible.

@UncleIroh @philosophy

I agree they will lose. The question is how much damage will they do before then?

And that is up to us.

Another thing is we need to get all the jews or whoever the fuck is making all this satanic commie propaganda and put them in gitmo.

I remember watching a great show untill I saw a gay sex scene in ep.3 out of nowhere.

It had nothing to do with the story nad even my normie friend was thrown off by how random it was.

@UncleIroh @philosophy

"moral frameworks cannot be derived from secularism."

Say it again!

You 'can't run a society off of subjective morality. There must be some objective standard or we're wasting our time.

Freedom of religion can not co-exist with Judaism

Judaism does not tolerate the freedom of people to practice other religions

Practicing Judaism is an act of genocide

Tolerating the Jewish religion is tolerating genocide

@philosophy For me Christianity comes downstream of a western population center. Biggest thing is actually granting men authority over their families as God intended. As a Christian it can be done, but the moon logic always seems to be:

1. Implement Christianity..
2. Ban Things...
3. Suddenly a Christian Nation(???)

Many forget the step of actually rearing women, men planting themselves as the pillar leader of the social base unit in the family. That is always forgotten imo.

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