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More info on Israelis nuke F-35 shot down by Russia. Larry Johnson gives his analysis. Cathedral has managed to keep this off the normies radar. for how long? who knows?

Israel Checkmated?
Its occupation of Washington, DC is no longer a trump card

Another interesting map, the world's youngest and oldest populations.

Here's some historical perspective on "modern-ish" civilizations. Literally Europe, Far East, India & Iran.

The media likes to state that abortion isn't a contraceptive. Bullshit.

That infographic is why abortion is the number one contraceptive choice for women.

Feminism dies without women having the ability to kill their babies, which is why politicians and women of every political stripe will fight to the death to keep it.

Fat women yearn for communism because starving until you're thin is easier than having self control

@UncleIroh Dune is the ancestor of Warhammer 40K. I like it's originality.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.