@Tfmonkey Also you need to move. Staying skinny and not moving leads to get fat. You can get away with eating whatever when you are young but it becomes harder when you get older. lifting sucks but cycling is the best. Ride your bike and you get the runners high.

@VeganBob @Tfmonkey vegan,hippie elitist think,just move to Florida get a Harley and eat steak and drink whiskey,California has corrupted your brain with group think organic products only difference between organic and non organic is what box Jose put it in.


@Scubbie @Tfmonkey TFM is 40 to 50/years old. You can't eat all that shit you did when you were 25. It is much hard to stay fit because your body is falling apart your max heart is 20 to 30 beats lower etc. So you need to change your diet to a more healthy one. Look at most 45 years old they are fat not because they are lazy it is because they still have the same diet as a 25-year-old. Pick up a sport you enjoy start moving more and eat vegan for most of the week and eat meat on the weekends

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