@Tfmonkey you have to eat flesh then mix it in with the stir fry for dinner. The majority of your calories should come from whole plants. Read the china study etc. You are smart loom at this stuff
@Tfmonkey Also you need to move. Staying skinny and not moving leads to get fat. You can get away with eating whatever when you are young but it becomes harder when you get older. lifting sucks but cycling is the best. Ride your bike and you get the runners high.
@Scubbie @Tfmonkey Have fun with your heart attack lol. I don't care what eat more flesh so you can die. I will eat my rabbit food and stay slim. Most Americans died of heart attacks before the clot shot. I am talking to TFM because he has a brain and isn't a rightwing NPC. EAT WHOLE PLANT FOODS tfm. So broccoli, spinach, carrots,
beans, lentils, stir fried etc. I don't see why that is so fucking liberal or hard. Look at the Engine 2 diet. It saved Bill Clintons life.
@VeganBob @Scubbie I'm pretty healthy, and people always tell me I look young. I'm obviously older than I used to be and I don't like going to the gym so I rely more on diet than exercise. I do have free weights and I ride a bicycle around my neighborhood.
I thought I was good, which is why my cortisol levels being high was so unusual for me and then being told it's because of my low-carb diet.
I'm still looking into it.
@Tfmonkey @Scubbie Here is more info about cortisol and vegan whole foods plant based diet. I went vegan because of cholesterol as high cholesterol runs in my family.,and%20high%20levels%20of%20triglycerides.
@Scubbie @Tfmonkey TFM is 40 to 50/years old. You can't eat all that shit you did when you were 25. It is much hard to stay fit because your body is falling apart your max heart is 20 to 30 beats lower etc. So you need to change your diet to a more healthy one. Look at most 45 years old they are fat not because they are lazy it is because they still have the same diet as a 25-year-old. Pick up a sport you enjoy start moving more and eat vegan for most of the week and eat meat on the weekends
@Tfmonkey Hey TFM. Dont be so lazy, you can do 30 pushups and 30 reps of 20kg dumbbell and stay healthy.
@Tfmonkey Carbs are good. if you eat fresh fruits and veggies. No body has gotten fat from rice and beans, quinoa etc. The trick is to limit foods that aren't 2000 years old. Green tea won't give you cancer, who knows with soda and Beyond meat etc. So you eat oatmeal and museli in the mornings and snack on fruit within reason then rice beans stir fried mixed veggies and salads. .