@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic say i have a a dick that curves to the left . will the srp help fix the curve ? also can i still use it with curved dick ? do you know any one who fixed their peyronie's disease ? 'sdisease

@dander @Tfmonkey so basically if you have a curved dick it's essentially Evolution trying to help you out because if it comes to the left or like up or down you basically just want to flip her to whatever side your dick will be facing upwards in her and then you could pound the shit out of her and you'll be ok ;) srp cant fix this it's a feature not a bug.

Hope this helped

@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey lol i sure hope i can still use the srp to the fullest extent. do you recon those things i can strap to straighten it are legit ? they cost almost as much as srp to am deciding wether i straighten out dick first or get srp


@dander @Tfmonkey i think you're worrying too much about it unless it's extremely bent. i don't see an issue

@dander @Tfmonkey id recommends professional medical advice and im neither

@VooDooMedic @dander curved dick is a good thing, but you have to angle it upwards to hit her g-spot.

also get some Joker and Halsey Quinn cosplay and make her call you "Mr J."

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @dander


Dress like a pirate during sex and call yourself Captain Hook bahahahha

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