
Does anyone have a start date for the creation of Judaism?

@VooDooMedic I'll argue that it began in Ezekiel 10, the moment God's glory left the temple (because they had already stopped following God in their hearts and deeds, and twisted the Law into their own version of it) and was no longer literally visible to them, but they kept following tradition anyway.

The god of the Jews did not "abandon" them and neither did he die to be their final sacrifice at the cross. So it's definitely not the same God as Christianity's anymore.

@VooDooMedic So approximately 600BC, give or take a decade or two, if my internet search gave correct data.

@VooDooMedic - I've been watching a few channels off and on, about mythology and religion. Much like the medical profession, I don't trust academia anymore. So I attend YouTube university about it, and I rely heavily on my internal bullshit detector.

But obviously, there's a high rabbit-hole factor with the topic, & I wouldn't take any of it as gospel. 🥁🤭

One for perspective on the evolution of old testament religion:

How to rekindle paganism:

@VooDooMedic -

...and one more for a more analytical approach to the development of pagan religions (can be applicable to Judaism if one were so inclined, and able to see parallels).

Note: Personally, as a non-atheist, I don't get caught up in names. I pray to "God"... and I just trust that an all-knowing God will understand who my prayer is for. I mean, how am I supposed to know his name, when there's thousands to choose from? I trust God to cut me some slack. 💁🏻‍♂️🍻

@YoMomz my feelings are a bit more nuanced about that side of things

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