"Police officers are scared that vigilante justice will be enacted because people don't feel safe, and what about all the people that are going to be affected that have never done crime?"

Ok then, what's your solution?

" we need to stop them before they commit criminal acts by making them repair bikes, and because they repair the bikes, then they won't steal them because they'll have a better appreciation of the bikes"

@VooDooMedic Clearly the solution to crime is to show the criminals that not committing crime is better.

These people seem to be afflicted with the belief that all social ills can be remedied with education. Sometimes corporal and capital punishment are the most effective solutions.

@DoubleD @VooDooMedic

I am a big supporter of solitary confinement and more life sentences

If they can be proved innocent later they get let out

The cost of building more jails would be less than the cost of letting criminals out earlier because of over crowded jails

You can not trust something as incompetant as the government not to make mistakes with the death penalty

The best thing about more people in prison is it helps to prevent the parasite class from breeding with welfare reform

@VooDooMedic @DoubleD

I do not care if people steal bikes

If everyone just stole everyone else's bike you just steal someone else's bike when your bike is stolen

What you might have to walk

Bikes are very cheap

They are ignoring people doing property damage and stealing things that are much more expensive than bikes

While creating a program to focus on some trivial problem like bike theft

they are going to let "minorities" commit murder and assault

but crack down tough on bike theft

@VooDooMedic @DoubleD

Po!ice refuse to arrest murderers and kidnappers as long as they are politically correct people

So some vigilante captures or executes or attacks a murderer or kidnapper

Then police arrest the vigilante for what they refused to arrest the original murderer or kidnapper for because the vigilante was not politically correct

Meanwhile they let politically correct vigilantes murder and kidnap and attack and steal from and damage property of people for word crimes

@shortstories @DoubleD that is exactly my point prison is only there because the government has a monopoly on violence you want to have vigilantes and mob justice then do it but be prepared to face the consequences but more prisons and solitary confinement on the tax payer time isn't the answer that's like saying how do we solve crime oh education and diversity training

@VooDooMedic @DoubleD

Problem with letting the government have a death penalty is they would give the death penalty to politically incorrect people

Meanwhile politically correct people would go unpunished by the government

Unless you are endorsing Anarchy

What you are saying about vigilantes does not work

Bob Black a post left anarchist

And Mark Passio whatever type of anarchist he is support vigilantes big time

Mark Passio endorses shooting people for certain wrong doings immediately

@shortstories @DoubleD the people should have the freedom to do as they please as soon as you take away the power of the people you must therefore control the people

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