@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey We were expecting something like this for months and we knew that if the cathedral would try something it would be sloppy and all over the place like all their other plans. I would call this divine invervention cause the guy had good aim but no luck and Trump turned his head last minute.

When he gets elected and it gets stolen, I hope the legend of January 6 is actually fulfilled.

@mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey we can only hope imagine if they go full shinzo on him and literally have someone charge the stage next speech

@VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey Or everything was Fake and Gay and was stage movie and there wasnt any shoots just movie special effects including the Donald Trump bleeding

@Mr_Mister No one die must be a Made UP perdón that really don't exist

@Mr_Mister Not trolling I am being serious let me give a link of someone that can explain detail what happen


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