@VooDooMedic I think it has to do more with the diet rather than genetics Those are Poor countries that barely can trade things For food and maybe their diet Is low in iodine that the Main nutrient For brain develop.

Algie are easy to grown and are pretty high in iodine that is asian are so smart they eat algies in their meals.

@VeganMGTOW both play a factor to each other they are poor shit hole countries because of their access to food and nutrients which causes them to be low IQ monkeys

@VooDooMedic Exactly that is why I am saying don't have anything to do with genetics

@VeganMGTOW their genetics are still shit though you need to either breed or kill all the shit until they're not shit anymore but nobody wants to do that because muh history and culture

@VooDooMedic Nah I think Is a problem that can be solve by diet "UNLESS" they have inbreed problems in that case You might have a point

@VooDooMedic Cockroach is calling someone else subhuman 🤣 you need to vet your sources better.


When I look at him my first thought is that some of that person's ancestors probably claimed to be Muslim or Jewish or semite or Arab

He does not look like he is from Northern Europe nor Western Europe nor Britain

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