@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat
Stew is a zio cuck shill Jew cum swallower being paid by Jews. Admits being paid by and Shilling gold/silver company owned by Jews.
Why he has a nog co host coz Muh America is a nation of immigrants and Muh dieversity and we all bleed red hwyte and blu.
He’s basically a white nigglette COONDIS Owens
Plus the clip of few gay rockets is gae.

@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat
Right after getting spanked for his faggit questions. Which reminded the chat of his insistence that foids didn’t get tuned up and slapped once in a while. And DV against holes is a real crisis
Starts seething and imagining what or who someone is. Typical retard feminine go to

Also the lying Jew; Hurr men are too soft. We need war w Russia, China, Iran. Same lines since ukie war. chutzpah and pilpul that goy means nations

@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey @mrhorsetwat How timely.
Stew and his token nog sidekick gets btf, called out for being ran by Jews. Has a melt down
>whaaa I can’t hear this guy.
Ci fags go first. They are worse than yid or N’s.

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