
Gentleman I present, America.

Welcome to the current year

@VooDooMedic it’s not 500,000 N’s just this year. Catch up with the times. Jap simps opened their borders years ago. Rather than btfo their holes and force them to breed
But they did create ministry of loneliness cos jap femoroids increase in doing flips off rooftops cos childless career whores. Just like SK

@VooDooMedic Abo bantz w Halsey. every time a Jew opens its mouth, lies or dicks fall out -Amalek proverb.
>americans brought slaves in. Jew again lies and obfuscates the fact that it was Jew slave ships and Jew slave trade. And oldest slave markets in the new world were held at oldest synagogues that ran slave auctions. Tuoro synagogue in Rhode Island, Jamaica and brasil. Why Jew converso lopez spent money on Yale school that taught Hebrew, the language of auctions. Still on their crest

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