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@Scubbie @Mongoliaboo @Tfmonkey when you soak up the entirety of human knowledge and you spit out vague bullshit doesn't it mean that it's bullshit? lmao

@Pain66 fucking keked n' checked.

pumped and dumped a whore as a virgin, the fucking state of western women

Guys.... I can't tell if its AI we've gone too far.... God I hope its true jfc
AI is absolutely nuts if this is AI

"Video games cause violence"
Look not at the perpetrator or his dark shit skin we must seek care and love for the victims of violence by gamers

"How does it get this bad what caused it" shit like this blasted constantly evil white guys and all the concerned coloured people need to stop evil ytie

@viatorem I don't know I woke up to having no power due to the massive thunderstorm

"What is the charge, I demand to know what is the charge! Eating a meal?!? A succulent Chinese meaaal?!?"

VooDoo boosted

@Lorgar I don't know work has been super busy so I'm not up to date with everything it should be up on mgtow.TV if its not I'll check the live show room to see if he's updated or said something there

He's a nigger but he's right.
Lmao @ the women

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.