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paleomammalian brain, is responsible for emotional processing, including the formation of memories and the regulation of the body's internal environment. The neocortex, also known as the neomammalian brain, is responsible for higher cognitive functions, such as language, abstract thinking, and decision making. The triune brain theory was first proposed by the neuroscientist Paul MacLean in the 1960s and 1970s, however, 2/-

@37712 check this out

The triune brain theory, also known as the triune brain model or the three-brain theory, proposes that the human brain can be divided into three distinct but interconnected parts: the reptilian brain, the limbic brain, and the neocortex. The reptilian brain, also known as the R-complex, is responsible for basic survival instincts, such as hunger, thirst, and aggression. The limbic brain, also known as the 1/-

So I figured I should give you guys an update I'm officially down past 95kg and we are currently sitting at 94.2kg and remember our goal weight is aiming to be around 70kg before/at my birthday in mid March we're still looking hopeful that I'm going to achieve the goal Ive set it'll be the lightest I've been in I'd say about a decade I'm still sticking to the gym routine 💪 every single day without fail

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@Mutsu_a125 @BigDuck Underneath all the monster girl and nandroid posting is this: The idea that a wonderful, perfect wife is such a rare creature that she’s basically already a fantasy creature, might as well add more rationale to explain how she exists

Tip for doll owners: Use the Heating rod on the insert before you insert it, 100% better then going in cold mmmm

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VooDoo boosted

Never in my life did I think I would hear TFM say "Kudos to the Taliban" 😂

It's a shame big tech is cucked I would LOVE to see some normies react to this constitutional

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@Tfmonkey gonna be an interesting Wednesday show 😎😎😎 this is gonna be a good one, you watch the viewer numbers

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i'm done with using matrix the shitshow that is homeservers can go fuck itself literally doesn't allow me to connect and force me out of all my sessions then doesn't allow me to decrypt anything

now it's not even connecting to the server, holy fuck i'm so pissed right now

Currently matrix home server is down so anyone trying to reach me through the matrix server ping me here or GiveSendBro DMs

@IAMAL_PHARIUS are you using My server isn't connecting

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.