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Us in 2 months when Nat gas hits all time highs of 15$ and UNG is at 25$

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Please remember to use the following acronym whenever possible


All Niggers Are Gay

Comment this under every post you see where niggers are being gay (pretty much every post involving niggers tbh)
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He's onto something, years ago when I played WoW I had that same experience in the tauren starter zone. Just beautiful, for that era.

Got a genuine style question for you, do the pant legs go inside the work boot or pull down over the top of it?

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Hey TFM, what would you genuinely do if Russia nuked the US like the emergency broadcast was blaring would you stream till the end or just relax and wait for the end


How do I not feel resentment towards friends who are doing better then me in terms of earnings? Is it about trade offs or is there something else I'm missing


The voice referendum in Australia is going to be at the end of Q4

@Tfmonkey so Snapchat added an AI "buddy" spent the better part of a couple of hours toying with it to see what kind of responses it would give, tldr it knows who you are but refuses to read your website and flat out refuses to even comment on rollos

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A club for red-pilled exiles.