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I can't wait to see 2h videos of this, more entertaining than modern movies and tv shows.
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"God cursed..." what kind of RETARD actually believes such crap? 🤣🤣🤣

You are stuck on PRIMITIVE THINKING.

Jews contributed 25% of all SCIENTIFIC NOBEL PRIZES and more than 15% of all FIELDS MEDALS (for mathematics - you are so stupid, you obviously don't know what a Fields Medal is).

That means their scientific & mathematical contributions are about 12'500 times higher than their share of the world population (0.02%).

Then there are all their thinkers, writers, composers, entrepreneurs...

e.g. the fabulous sound tracks for Batman, Last Knight, Dune, Gladiator etc. all stem from Hans Zimmer, who is a Jew.

Here is the Jewish girl Alma Deutscher, age 9, playing in her own violin concerto - yes, she COMPOSED it and PLAYED it as soloist at age 9:

What did YOU do at age 9?

You obviously hadn't even learned to wipe your ass 😂😂😂
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"I'm going to put on my fucking SS uniform and start goose-stepping around." - TFM

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