@Tfmonkey how did you get your iq tested? Was it clinically diagnosed in the navy or did you use queendom or another online test like Aaron claret suggests people to do?

@37712 @Pain66 the navy test isn't an IQ test, it's more of a college admissions test called the ASVAB, but I did score in the top 3% on that too.

I just did some testing online. I don't have a mensa certificate or anything. I don't care about that.

@Tfmonkey @37712 @Pain66 The asvab test tells you what careers you are capable of achieving in the military, it is IQ-based there’s no doubt in the questioning but the results are you could be a nuclear missile technician or a clerk So wide range of choices depending on if you can make it happen

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey @37712 @Pain66 - Would it be douchey to brag about a perfect score on the ASVAB? 🤔 ...because I really *never* have a chance to do that. It just never comes up. 😂

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey @37712 @Pain66 - Oh shit. Well, I'll have to make sure I don't do that, then... 🤔😂

Besides, it was only 'cause I studied up on math for a couple weeks, first. It wasn't really cheating, but kind of a cheap little victory. 😬🍻

@YoMomz @Tfmonkey @37712 @Pain66 Well did you Join the military because that’s the only reason that test was given to you to see what job recruiters would promise you but not ever let you achieve

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey @37712 @Pain66 - I went in as a linguist. Me and TFM actually attended the same military school around the same time... 🤔 But I never hung out with Navy guys - just no opportunity or need. 💁🏻‍♂️

Uncle Sam had me studying Korean. I don't know if anyone here has ever listened to the Korean language for any length of time... but it's nails on a chalkboard.

I wound up working in supply. 😂 No regrets though. I learned about how institutions operate - very enlightening. 🍻

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