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@PinochetsCommieCopter - He couldn't afford a room? 🤔

I mean obviously, don't fuck your dog. But if you're *gonna* fuck your dog, maybe pay money for privacy? (Assuming he lives with a family at home)

It's like how dead bodies are often found in shallow graves. I mean obviously, don't kill people. But if you're *gonna* kill people, maybe put in the extra effort and dig a deep grave? You never hear about bodies being found in deep graves. 🤷🏻‍♂️

@Scubbie - I picked Truth. Seems like the best match for airing my wacky ideas out, and getting useful feedback from cats who can entertain ideas, without reflexively clutching pearls.

Also, the memes are funny around this joint... and that too, is truth. 🍻

@mutageno - the whole dichotomy between strong and smart is false.

If a person is smart, then they generally become strong. Strength is desirable. And intellect doesn't negate human instinct or desire. Becoming physically strong is pretty straightforward - not complicated at all.

So the smart thing to do, is lift heavy objects until a person reaches the strength they desire. 💁🏻‍♂️

The whole dichotomy is a lazy-cope.

@basedbagel @Scubbie @sardonicsmile - Well, it's a classic line: One man's terrorist, is another man's freedom fighter. 💁🏻‍♂️

@basedbagel @Scubbie @sardonicsmile - It's a little funny. Because while I agree with his manifesto, I'm not specifically defending Ted here.

I'm simply equating murder and war. Ted was fighting a personal war.

@basedbagel @Scubbie @sardonicsmile - Or alternatively, an American can renounce their allegiance.

I accept my 1/330,000,000th of the blame for the war deaths in my adult lifetime. It's sobering, but reality often is. I'm resolved to rectify things as much as I possibly can. And that's another approach.

For all this talk of justifying murder, (what's done, and yet to come) and accepting responsibility for war... one day I will have to answer to God. I will accept his judgement.

Cheers, mate.

@basedbagel @Scubbie @sardonicsmile - ➡️ At least, as much as any passive bystander does, with the power to stop a murder, who doesn't.

Hard times call for hard philosophies, and for hard moralities. I recommend a reevaluation in a spirit of well-wishing. 🍻

The alternative, sadly... Is becoming Balien from "Kingdom of Heaven".

Addendum for clarity: The American people share in the guilt of America's wars, because those wars were fought in our name. We had the power to stop it, and we didn't.

@basedbagel @Scubbie @sardonicsmile - Opinions on the justness of American war in the middle east, vary.

But if a bystander has any moral or ethical duty to stop a murder in progress, then a nation's populace has a duty to rise up and slay their leaders (if need be), in order to stop an unjust foreign war.

The American populace did not do that. So, they all share in the guilt of those wars - me, you, and every other American (assuming you're American here - forgive me if not). ➡️

@basedbagel @Scubbie @sardonicsmile - ➡️ 1/330,000,000th of the guilt for every war death in the middle east. And every war death was a murder.

The only difference would be, that it was a murder that millions of people supported and cheered.

So for the big question: How wrong is murder? - depends on who you ask. But my opinion is: handle your business. And if I disagree with that strongly enough, then I'll be doing some murdering of my own, either in retaliation, or for preventive purposes.

@basedbagel @Scubbie @sardonicsmile - "War ≠ random murder"

Eh, agree to disagree.

Why do people murder each other (random or not), and why do states go to war (and have throughout history & prehistory)? The reasons are the same: Resources, mating, vengeance, ideological differences, self-defense (real or perceived), etc.

A murder is easier to assign guilt for, because it's a single guilty party. But there's just as much guilt to be assigned for a war death. Every American bears ➡️

@basedbagel @Scubbie @sardonicsmile - " can't just murder people because you don't agree with their philosophy..."

I guess I gotta be that guy. 😅

I believe that you have just described war, sir. Uncle Ted's greatest sin, is that he lost his war.

I used to wonder what made war different from murder. 🤔 I'm not alone in deciding that ultimately, there is no difference.

Most see it as delegitimizing war. I see it as legitimizing murder. 💁🏻‍♂️🍻

@matty - I respect what Israel has accomplished... because I respect strength and resolve. That six day war was impressive. They have shown themselves many times, to be martially competent.

But respecting something, and having love for something... are not the same thing.

I can tip my hat to someone out of respect, without deluding myself into thinking they are any sort of friend to me.

@southpole21 - My guess at first glance?

It could be some based gay, but more likely the left is attempting to appropriate cuckservative imagery. In a way, they already did with the rainbow (originally signifying God's covenant with Noah - or so the story goes). And they're appropriating gun imagery with the "arm trans kids" business.

I don't know how far they plan to take this particular PR theme, but it could be entertaining. 💁🏻‍♂️

@basedbagel - Personally, I can't stand liars and thieves.

As long as someone is neither liar nor thief, then I'll be friends with anyone who is a friend to me. That said of course, true friends are rare indeed. Over the course of 40 years, I've made 6. And I count myself rich in that. 🍻

@inakaposter - For anyone with regular access to any small plot of dirt (sorry, apartment dwellers) I recommend starting a garden.

It's an effective way of keeping the impending doom in perspective, and it's a practical skill for after the impending doom actually arrives. 🍻

@mutageno - I actually have no objections to black people choosing to shoot white cops.

These are the same white cops that would arrest and prosecute white citizens that defend themselves and their property from black people.

Nature runs its course. And with those pesky cops out of the way... Everyone can just have it out - the old fashioned way. 👍🍻

@sardonicsmile - And it makes a reasonable assumption out of the unhinged thought, that somewhere, children born into families and circumstances not dissimilar to our own or those of children we know and love today (sons, daughters, nephews, and nieces)... are being sacrificed in cannibalistic rituals by people who are above the law.

There will be hell to pay. And it feels like sometimes... Hell isn't enough.

@sardonicsmile - I always knew Hollywood was dirty... But still, the extent of how fucked up it is (and how idolized it was, such a short time ago)... Well, I'm genuinely kinda shocked.

It's like having a nightmare - not like night terrors, but a deeply disturbing dream. Such a nightmare wouldn't bother someone, because while the subject of the dream was extremely unsettling, it's just a dream, right? But of course, the depravity of Hollywood turns out to not be a dream... but all too real.

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