@Tfmonkey - 😂

On a sinking ship, as water fills their cabins, these people would go on about how the ship is still in one piece.

I'm just working my plans, and happy to have a little borrowed time. 🍻

@UncleIroh @DoubleD @VooDooMedic - Personal JQ update:

You guys might be right - moreso than I previously acknowledged. 🤔

As this national "anti-Semitism bill" moves forward... I'm becoming fine with a 1940s solution.

I like to articulate the why of things, in general. I opposed oven solutions before, because of too much individual injustice that would result. This anti-Semitism bill would result in similar individual injustice - so I guess they cancel out, morally.

Light the ovens. 🫡🍻

@Fal1026 @ButtWorldsMan - So if read this right... Dick size becomes irrelevant to a woman's choices, if men remove a woman's ability to choose. 🤔

Intriguing. 🫡🍻

@shortstories @Brianhere - Well, I don't think he hangs out in the same internet atmosphere as TFM, and all the other distinguished Merovingians that gather here. So I don't think he's getting that viewpoint.🤔

Sometimes when he references "the red pill" or MGTOW... his comments don't reflect what I know to be so - that there is profound philosophical discussion that happens.

But my first reply was just a personal musing, and small lamentation that we can't gather and speak as free men. 🍻

@Brianhere - He's passingly familiar with MGTOW.

I think it's a real shame that TFM has been relegated to the asshole of the internet.

This Whatifalthist cat... He has a distorted view of MGTOW I think, 🤔 - missing at least one key perspective anyway, and in this regard the censorship has worked well.

He's young (23 maybe), and has much yet to learn. But I see a lot of potential in this dude. He could very well be a torch-bearer someday.

@ButtWorldsMan - Damn.. 😂😥🫗

I'm glad I figured out how to treat people, and that I have some IRL friends. Wouldn't be here without'em. That one-itis is a real bitch. 😌

@Scubbie - ➡️ So it's not as though there's any chance of anything with her. But that question lingers: what the fuck is her problem? 🤔🤔😅

And I wanted to get everyone's opinion.

For science! 😂🍻

@Scubbie - Eh, I was feeling bored. 😅 And when I'm around a bunch of people in real life, it's pretty easy to read the room. But in a place like this? Well, ya gotta make a poll for that. 💁🏻‍♂️

Also, I fell deeply in love with a bipolar gal in recent years - against my will, but all the same.

And you know how sometimes you might wanna ask someone "what the fuck is your problem!?!" ... Well, I've been trying to get to the bottom of that. Me and her have cut ties forever, almost 2 years ago. ➡️

@LysanderMooner - Titties you say? 🤔 Well, I'm gonna have to slide over the feddy to check this out.

@UncleIroh @DoubleD @VooDooMedic - Well that sparks an interesting thought: If true, and if failing everywhere at once... then perhaps this is the true "final solution".

I can't approve of the 1940s version - because it was artificially imposed and there were too many cases of individual injustice. But worldwide collapse? That's a different animal. Everyone has a fair shot with that, and there's no shame in submitting to nature - only wisdom.

If it should rid the world, then so be it. 🍻

@Zeb - Oof. I didn't want that guy to be right... 🤔🫗

@shortstories - neither describes philosophy very well, but between the two, it leans toward religion (for being ultimately unfalsifiable).

@shortstories - Philosophy is similarly useful, but not scientific. It's inexact. It's nebulous. But still, it can be useful.

@shortstories - voted religion.

But I divide psychology into two distinct categories. There's the theoretical, which can be very useful in explaining why people act as they do, and can help predict behavior & can help to shape society in a desirable way.

And then there's clinical psychiatry, where a patient pays a "doctor" to help them figure out their own life. I'm not saying that's entirely useless... But it's useless in at least 80% of cases. This is the side that falls into "religion".

@Stahesh - I've noticed that. I've been dealing with the aftermath of a male psychopath (my own amateur diagnosis - man has no conscience, zero regard for others, highly manipulative, etc.) in personal life.

It's the first time I've felt compelled to deal with any such thing, since I was red-pilled about 10yrs ago.

And the thing that struck me most, was how much like a woman this man is. The resemblance is amazing and unmistakable.

Polls are fun:

So I have a hypothesis, that bipolarism is just female nature unrestrained. I've been seeing a trend of normally bipolar females being rediagnosed as autistic.

And I can't help thinking that there's a movement afoot among clinical psychiatrists... something like "Oh shit, they're on to us. Mix up the diagnoses, quick."

What do you guys think? 🤔

I don't know entirely why, 🤔 but this makes me laugh. Jeff Bezos...


If I were feeling envious, this article is a tonic for that. 😏🍻

@Indignation - Good Riddance or RIP? 🤔🤔

Eh, I'd say not quite either... but results are sub-optimal. 💁🏻‍♂️

@Scubbie - They really went all-out for that holiday display. It's kinda like a gigantic ant farm.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.